Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hispanic Immigrants’ Children Fall Behind Peers Early, Study Finds

I think this has a lot to do with language confusion. Being Bilingual is wonderful later on in life. I think they need to measure if these same children eventually catch up. Also it is harder to screen for learning disabilities and dyslexia when the kids are not proficient in either language.

I also believe these studies are being brought to light to tap into more federal funds that are being thrown at education.

There is nothing new to any of these studies. I think they can pump as much money as they want and it won't change anything. There are cultural things that no one wants to address, and until then, these big government solutions are useless. Do any of these people actually interact with the students they are talking about? There are already so many programs that are addressing these issues, but the real dilemma is what happens at home with these students.

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